martes, 8 de junio de 2021



Simple machines make the work easier by reducing the effort needed. They usuallly have 1 or 2 parts.


Levers (Palancas)

A lever is a rigid bar (barra rígida) with a pivot point (punto de apoyo), where the lever turns. 

The object we need to move is the load (carga) and the person using the lever applies a force, called the effort (esfuerzo).

Pulleys (Poleas)

A pulley has 3 parts: a wheel (rueda), an axle (eje) and a rope (cuerda). The axle passes through the centre of the wheel and the rope runs around the outside of the wheel. 

Pulleys make easier to lift (subir) or lower (bajar) heavy objects. Two or more pulleys together make it even easier.

Inclined plane (Plano inclinado o rampa)

An inclined plane is a ramp used to lift or lower objects and it only has 1 part. It increases the distance we move an object but reduces the effort needed. 

A screw (tornillo) is an inclined plane wrapped around a pole (entrelazado alrededor de un tubo). 

A wedge (cuña) has two inclined planes, like an axe (hacha)

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